Sunday, July 3, 2011


I was recently talking with an old friend of mine from high-school. We were reminiscing about the dreams we had and where we ended up in life. It got me thinking although I'm no where near my dream of being a corporate lawyer, single woman living with a bunch of cats. I think this place where I'm at in my life journey is so much better. I would not trade my family for anything. Thinking back now I can't see myself alone without my children or my husband. Even the notion of being tied up in court all day defending corporations is really not appealing. I would much rather do what I do now by working with small business entrepreneurs at helping them to succeed within their business. Where I can take my office with me anywhere I am.
I think it's important to take a minute to truly appreciate the things you have as well as your accomplishments. Even though i have managed three degrees, no credentials in the world can replace or even compare to my two children.
I would like to ask you all to take a moment of reflection and think of all the things you are most proud of in your life right now. If you find yourself not happy with what you see, maybe it's time to start working on a new dream.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cecile! Girl you are putting your new phone to good use. Can't wait until I get mine...its on the never ending "To Do List" lol. I can totally relate to this blog post. My dreams were to be working in Corporate America as a Human Resources Rep then later it changed to teaching autistic children. Wow...who knew that I'd be designing hand painted wearable art. Its funny how life switches gears at a moments notice. Like you I would not trade my life with my family for a stuffy suit, heels, and endless team meetings for nothing. At this point in my life nothing is more appealing than what I have right now. Inner & self fulfillment.

    Tee-iabo Designs
