A day in the life
Thursday, January 2, 2014
New year
Another year has passed. It seems that time passes faster than I can keep track of.
So what I have I been doing for the past year? I had taken some time to evaluate what I really wanted for my life. Of course writing is my passion and I truly enjoy doing it. However, I wanted something more then just blogging and writing about business. I tried my hand at some fiction, which was not bad, but not really my way of writing. I started studying Holistic medicine, with a notion that I would revolutionize the world of medicine! Of course that is the child dreamer in me. I am still studying Holistic medicine, but with more realistic intentions of helping my family to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. This is more logical and a lot less work then trying to create a revolution of sorts.
So not revolutionizing the world of business or medicine, then what have I been up to?
I discovered mystery shopping. Honestly, that's what I've been passing my time with. I found a fantastic company to work with. I started off as a Shopper, where I took on as many missions as I could do. In true writer style I would write lengthy reports after each visit. I took on some of their 'special projects' where I was out in the field doing customer surveys. I worked really hard and dedicated myself to being the best in this field. My goal when I first started was to some day become a Validator. A Validator is essentially an Editor. I always wanted to be an Editor, more so than a writer. This falls into my 'dream job' category, much like working as a maid in a Hotel. Let me explain. I appreciate the notion of any job that allows you the freedom to work at your own pace. Where you can listen to an audio book or music and just do your work without any interruptions. Having worked in the customer service industry my entire life, I revel in the thought of never having to listen to another customer complaint.
Thus began my journey of a Secret Agent Shopper! What a great concept! Me a Secret Agent. I am embellishing the notion for dramatics and for entertainment.
My journey began some time in August of 2012 and fast balled from there. By May I had become a Validator! I have to be very honest here, up until this point in my life I never really worked for a job position before. Until this point my work life was simple, see a job posting, apply, pass the interview and get the job. Simple. Then I launched myself into business. Working for yourself there is no theoretical ladder to climb, so no working to get to the top. This job, which in essence isn't really a job, it is an independent contracting position. I still work for myself as a contractor to the company. This position I worked for. I took every assignment seriously and completed all reports with the out most importance. When I was offered the position of Validator I was thrilled. A few months into working as a Validator I was offered another contract, to work as a Scheduler. This came as a complete surprise to me. I had not expected any more movement. I gladly accepted, not realizing that scheduling mystery shop assignments was like taking care of a new born baby, but that baby never grows up. It is the most stressful, intense, exiting and best position to have. Honestly, I get heart burn, followed by tears of joy at the end of each month when we manage to hit all our deadlines on time.
Of course I cannot take all the credit here, I am part of a dynamic team. I work with some very fantastic people who have been in the business for a long time and have taught me so much. They inspire me every day. They are very dedicated and fantastic at what they do. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with such extraordinary people.
My journey is not finished. I was offered another contract a month ago. Which I accepted. I'm not sure where my journey will take me, but it has surpassed anything I had anticipated so far. I can honestly say that for the first time in my life I am truly proud of what I am doing work wise. I feel like for the first time I am really contributing to something. We live in a consumer industry. Offering the best service possible is the key to a successful business. Having the chance to be behind the scene if you wish, has been a rewarding experience.
That is my New Years update! It has been an exciting year and I look forward to finding out where this journey will take me.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
A moment
One single moment can change the course of your life. One event can set a series of actions that will completely alter your goals. Sometimes these changes are for the better and other times for the worse. It's how we interpret these life changing events that matter.
I never thought I'd survive after the loss of our third baby. I didn't want to try again for a long time. But when news came that I was pregnant, I was so overjoyed. I spend most of the pregnancy in bed, but it was for both our health. When it came time for the delivery it was super quick. When I heard her little cry for the first time I laughed and cried with her. Although this was not my first child, it sure felt like it was. We named her Jasmine. A beautiful flower. She is almost 7 months now.

I will never forget our loss, but I am grateful for trying again.
I never thought I'd survive after the loss of our third baby. I didn't want to try again for a long time. But when news came that I was pregnant, I was so overjoyed. I spend most of the pregnancy in bed, but it was for both our health. When it came time for the delivery it was super quick. When I heard her little cry for the first time I laughed and cried with her. Although this was not my first child, it sure felt like it was. We named her Jasmine. A beautiful flower. She is almost 7 months now.
I will never forget our loss, but I am grateful for trying again.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The passing of Jack Layton
Sadness across Canada yesterday as news of the death of Jack Layton, leader of the NDP party swept the nation. He was a kind and descent man who truly cared about the country and it's people. Even in his own battle against cancer he's priorities remain the same, in building a stronger, united Canada. In his final letter, he remains optimistic and urges canadians to continue fighting in his cause.
Mr. Layton worked hard for the common man, the elderly, those with disabilities and our your younger generation. He addressed difficult issues and kept opposition leaders on their toes by continuously pushing them to do better. He gave Canadians something to believe in and proved that not all political parties are the same. For many he was a symbol of hope that better times lay ahead and the worse were now behind us.
Jack Layton will surely be missed but will never be forgotten.
Sincere condolences goes to the Layton family.
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Mr. Layton worked hard for the common man, the elderly, those with disabilities and our your younger generation. He addressed difficult issues and kept opposition leaders on their toes by continuously pushing them to do better. He gave Canadians something to believe in and proved that not all political parties are the same. For many he was a symbol of hope that better times lay ahead and the worse were now behind us.
Jack Layton will surely be missed but will never be forgotten.
Sincere condolences goes to the Layton family.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The topless law
Canada is a beautiful country. Filled with natural resources, great food and rich in culture. For the most part I'm proud to call myself a Canadian. What I'm not to fond of is some of our laws.
This morning I pick my morning morning paper, staring at me on the cover page is a young woman with no shirt on, breast completely revealed. Twenty years ago our government passed a law that woman are allowed to be topless in public. This morning the story re-surfaced in my morning paper because not enough women are practicing their rights to bear it all. Activists of the law call it equal rights, because men are allowed to be shirtless in public. I'm all for equal rights in work, school and socially however the notion of exposing our private parts in public for all to see does not qualify as equality. To me it affirms that women are objects in which men can gawk at. The article features a beautiful blond woman topless, walking past some construction workers, who were smiling and whistling at her. I can't see how we as women expect to be treated as sophisticated, intelligent equal members of society, while exposing our breasts. I'm not sure that's what our ancestors were fighting for in terms of equality.
I believe in freedom of speech and of expression, I just don't see how exposing ourselves publicly benefits anyone.
My other issue with this law and those who are practicing it is rather simple. How can it become socially and legally acceptable for some to walk around half naked yet those who choose to cover are considered abnormal? The acceptable notion of "it's my body and if I want to share it with everyone I can", should also include: "it's my body and I don't want everyone to see it".
We only have one body. It should be taken care of with dignity and respect, both inside and out.
(This is an opinion piece.)
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This morning I pick my morning morning paper, staring at me on the cover page is a young woman with no shirt on, breast completely revealed. Twenty years ago our government passed a law that woman are allowed to be topless in public. This morning the story re-surfaced in my morning paper because not enough women are practicing their rights to bear it all. Activists of the law call it equal rights, because men are allowed to be shirtless in public. I'm all for equal rights in work, school and socially however the notion of exposing our private parts in public for all to see does not qualify as equality. To me it affirms that women are objects in which men can gawk at. The article features a beautiful blond woman topless, walking past some construction workers, who were smiling and whistling at her. I can't see how we as women expect to be treated as sophisticated, intelligent equal members of society, while exposing our breasts. I'm not sure that's what our ancestors were fighting for in terms of equality.
I believe in freedom of speech and of expression, I just don't see how exposing ourselves publicly benefits anyone.
My other issue with this law and those who are practicing it is rather simple. How can it become socially and legally acceptable for some to walk around half naked yet those who choose to cover are considered abnormal? The acceptable notion of "it's my body and if I want to share it with everyone I can", should also include: "it's my body and I don't want everyone to see it".
We only have one body. It should be taken care of with dignity and respect, both inside and out.
(This is an opinion piece.)
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Health care
After attending a health seminar that my chiropractor, Dr. Sandy Bhasin delivered to his patients last night. I felt it was important to share some thoughts.
The bulk of his discussion was about the importance of total health care. Which I have to admit is a bit strange coming from a chiropractor. As he began his presentation it was very apparent how much he actually cared about people's health and in teaching proper care of the body. There are a few things that stuck with me. Before getting into his demonstration he made us stand up and say "I am happy and I am healthy". I'm a big fan of this type of encouragement, but what I found is it opened the room to him. When he would ask a question, we, his audience of patients would openly answer him. The second thing was his entire speech was focused on ways to obtain optimal health. Normally these types of doctors are only interested in fixing the immediate issue, such as neck or back pain. However, Dr. Sandy carefully designed this seminar to help his patients understand where the root of the problem is, how to get better and how to remain healthy in order to lead a more fulfilled life. I have never seen this level of care in any health care practitioner I have visited. I'm not knocking down other doctors here don't take this the wrong way. But rather how many sick people there are visiting their doctors and these same physicians do not have the time to spend with each individual patient. I really feel that these types of seminars
are important in educating people on the importance of maintaing health.
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
I was recently talking with an old friend of mine from high-school. We were reminiscing about the dreams we had and where we ended up in life. It got me thinking although I'm no where near my dream of being a corporate lawyer, single woman living with a bunch of cats. I think this place where I'm at in my life journey is so much better. I would not trade my family for anything. Thinking back now I can't see myself alone without my children or my husband. Even the notion of being tied up in court all day defending corporations is really not appealing. I would much rather do what I do now by working with small business entrepreneurs at helping them to succeed within their business. Where I can take my office with me anywhere I am.
I think it's important to take a minute to truly appreciate the things you have as well as your accomplishments. Even though i have managed three degrees, no credentials in the world can replace or even compare to my two children.
I would like to ask you all to take a moment of reflection and think of all the things you are most proud of in your life right now. If you find yourself not happy with what you see, maybe it's time to start working on a new dream.
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Monday, June 20, 2011
A note on helping others
Helping those who are in need in my opinion is everyone’s responsibility. There are little things that we can do on a daily basis in order to help someone else. Little things like holding a door open, or carrying your neighbours groceries.
Donating your time to a special cause is another way to help those who are less fortunate. A few hours a week is all you need to truly make a difference in someone’s life. Recently I have met a couple wonderful ladies who have been diagnosed with MS (muscular dystrophy). One lady named Stacy is the owner and designer of Gothic Gourd Girl (http://gothicgourds.com/). She is raising money and awareness for CCSVI treatments. Another woman I have had the privilege of meeting is Tessa. Tessa is a single woman who is alone on journey to raising money in getting the help she needs.
CCSVI (Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency) treatment is term that was developed by an Italian Dr. Paolo Zamboni. (Wikipedia) Through the use of angioplasty, patience suffering with MS has seen improvements to their overall health. The problem is the procedure is not offered here in Canada. I am working with these two ladies to help raise the funding they need to get treatment in the U.S as well as working to raise awareness to bring the treatment here.
I am currently trying to put together a few campaigns. One of which is selling some Avon products off my website www.cecavonstore.com and some hand crafted jewelry in order to donate the funds to them. I am also going to post the links to their websites so any interested people who are willing to help could donate directly.
I will posting some information as it comes in about their journeys as well as on MS and available treatments.
To learn more about CCSVI in Canada please visit; http://ccsvi.ca/
Donating your time to a special cause is another way to help those who are less fortunate. A few hours a week is all you need to truly make a difference in someone’s life. Recently I have met a couple wonderful ladies who have been diagnosed with MS (muscular dystrophy). One lady named Stacy is the owner and designer of Gothic Gourd Girl (http://gothicgourds.com/). She is raising money and awareness for CCSVI treatments. Another woman I have had the privilege of meeting is Tessa. Tessa is a single woman who is alone on journey to raising money in getting the help she needs.
CCSVI (Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency) treatment is term that was developed by an Italian Dr. Paolo Zamboni. (Wikipedia) Through the use of angioplasty, patience suffering with MS has seen improvements to their overall health. The problem is the procedure is not offered here in Canada. I am working with these two ladies to help raise the funding they need to get treatment in the U.S as well as working to raise awareness to bring the treatment here.
I am currently trying to put together a few campaigns. One of which is selling some Avon products off my website www.cecavonstore.com and some hand crafted jewelry in order to donate the funds to them. I am also going to post the links to their websites so any interested people who are willing to help could donate directly.
I will posting some information as it comes in about their journeys as well as on MS and available treatments.
To learn more about CCSVI in Canada please visit; http://ccsvi.ca/
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